Drink ‘n’ Draw Omaha (2011–2013): Founded and managed monthly events combining live models and art-making.
Lit Undressed (2011–2013): Curated poetry performances with themed exhibits for Omaha Lit Fest.
Public Art Projects:
Feminist Tribute Body Prints (2019): Enlarged works displayed on Morgantown trashcans via Arts Monongahela.
Morgantown Arts Walk (2019): Scripted live on body-printed canvases inspired by feminist essay “The Laugh of the Medusa”; displayed at Morgantown Public Library.
Exhibitions & Live Art:
Body-Printed Feminist Tribute (2020): Scripted Carolee Schneemann essays during an exhibition of women-identifying artists.
Legacy Donations:
Leaves of Absence & Intimates and Fools Illustrations (2023): Donated to the University of Nebraska Archives.