My final post for my Omaha trip – and in this series!
Art around Omaha highlights (thanks to my friend Jenn for driving me all over town!): 1) Elkhorn
We started out West – way out West – to Elkhorn, which has a really quaint little downtown which I do not remember! Spots to check out:
Moonrise Gallery: a sweet, intimate modest spot filled with a truly distinct and solid range of work.
The current exhibit that was up,
was quaintly intriguing. Indeed- I wondered – what is biophilia and why is there an exhibit about it?
[I missed any explanatory material in the exhibit space; but I don’t blame them. I, too, forgot an exhibit statement for BODIES. Arg!]
[Also, I should know what biophilia is. Biophilia is defined as the innate human instinct to connect with nature and other living beings.]
What a cool concept for a show~! I also love the nontraditional display, some of the works laying on tables, mismatched wooden wall displays and art thru a narrow hallway – makes for a very present, grounded experience!
A few faves:

Kyra Marsh: Fracture, Mixed media, 7.5 x 10.5″. Love the femininity, portrayal of the figure with flowers, the mis-matched eyes and literal fracture in her face. Can think of this in so many ways, her statement mentions her being a mother, this can make one feel a bit distorted. Her statement also mentions her recent breast cancer diagnosis, and using art as therapy; I might imagine such might also feel powerless in the body. The pink background (while likely unintentional) is breast-cancer awareness hue, and, with the flowers, evokes subtle hope.

Trilety Wade: Daphne Unraveling, embroidery, I’d imagine around 8″ diameter. Always love her raw quality, one of my favorite aspects in art. The display, in the frame with which I imagine she worked, hung by a pipecleaner! So modest and fun! The image; a birdhouse that has fallen over? The roots? Some flowers? My friend and I decided not to think too much into it, we see an abstract nature, with playful colors and falling strings, and we love it.
And the lovely After the Storm, Acrylic, 14×16 by Kim Zach. What does this fun, expressive, action-oriented play with paint have to do with nature? I don’t know, maybe, as the title implies, just “the mess” after a storm. Reviewing her statement, she gives a nod to libraries! for getting her into making art via collage – which is close to my heart, since I work in a library, and I love collage. Also just love this little piece.
I don’t usually love pure nature work, but I loved this drawing by
Alissa Hansen, “Communing Oaks,” because it reads so figurative! (Sorry for blurry image, couldn’t find one online!) Also, just the lines aesthetically grab me.
[Self-promotion: also reminded me of the second book I illustrated, Leave of Absence; so fun merging figure with nature!]
Lastly, Megan Thomas’ Barn presents such a lovely quiet beauty in stillness, both through the calming blues, whites and grays, and through her charming brush stroke quality. It’s fun and so pleasing to look at!

Not a part of BioPhilia, but I bought a pair of Elizabeth Percival’s lovely earrings that I just adore! Such a fabulous combination of playful and elegant that I love!
Other Elkhorn shout out to The Garden Gallery. SO MUCH ART! From garden art (obvs) to painting, soaps, jewelry, stickers, ceramics…throughout an old house. Such fun to walk through and view all of the eclectic art. I really loved this bathtub painting, by
Jean Wellborn, but not in my budget.
So…I saw lots more art in Omaha! I may or may not finish the series! I have so many projects in the works…exhibit and residency submissions….and an art consultancy I may start…making art!!….
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