Oops, I Overestimated!
So, funny story! I rolled out the rest of my canvas to start on the second piece in my new blank canvas series, and… that’s all there was! I believed I had a 50-foot long by 5-foot tall roll of canvas for the past year and a half because I NEVER OPENED IT. Hahaha, great planning, right?
But I’m actually excited about this unexpected turn. Now, I’ll have two large pieces (about 12’x5′), almost the biggest I’ve ever made (the largest was a 30-foot sheet of paper for body prints in a 2011 show, which has since been destroyed). This also means I can integrate the mini-contributions from my artist friends even more meaningfully since there are fewer pieces to work with!
In fact, I just received two fabulous contributions last week from artists Leslie C. Sotomayor and Veronica McClaren. I love how distinct these mini artworks are!
Sotomayor’s piece (left) features bright blue paint with expressive marks in darker red, purple, and black ink. It incorporates text in cursive, with mature words about experience and calm at the top and more childlike writing about being a woman and a mom, sometimes not having all the space you want, along the bottom.
McLaren (aka Starina’s Art) created rich horizontal forms of color with pointy black figures encroaching from the sides and top. Titled “Give me the peace and joy of your mind,” the painting at right, reflects on how women face multiple obstacles and conflicts that interfere with their space, emphasizing the need to put ourselves first so our space can shine through.
I love these contributions and can’t wait to see what else comes in. Embracing the changes and the mystery mini canvases is so exciting!
Have you ever had a major “oops” art moment? Share your stories!